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Thy Plan Fulfilled

        December 15, 2015


   Thy Plan Fulfilled

   Isaiah 59:20-21 (nlt)

       "The Redeemer  will come in Jerusalem ,* says the Lord, "to buy back those in Israel* who have turned away from their sins. And this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will these words I have given you. They will be on your lips and on the lip of your children and your children's children forever. I, the Lord , have spoken!

    Comfort the lonely that wait in the shadows of discomfort, disfigured of heart that spills over in agony, see the waste of joy that spills out and floods the heart of angels whose cries are heard by the ears of God.  Peace seems to have taken a backseat to the sunrise awakenings and over flooded the night with sorrow and discontent.

   The Lord will not let the weeping trees bend their roots or darkness take away the light of day, for He Himself has come down to look at the bones of joy, the lungs that forgot how to exhale the proclamation of salvation. He is seeking the poor in spirit, the eyes that cleanse the face, even the soul that cannot witness the words of salvation, for the darkness has smothered the lungs.  The wind from the breathe of God has expanded the weak, He has brought bread to the hungry, wine to those whose tongues are dry. 

     He holds the flesh of joy and righteousness, infused is the aroma of the Word of God brought by His Son. Christ is that Word who fulfills the Scriptures and awaken those who sit in darkness, alone and afraid, for His light shines on all those grieving from life and the arrogance darkness. He has the power through the Spirit to break every chain that binds and release the captive of despair.

Author Monica F. Hudson

Allen Temple A.M.E. Church

Pine Bluff, AR




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