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Your Hope Lie's


God's help is nearer than the door. ---------Irish Proverb                                        In this life that seems to flood us with tremendous amounts of difficulties and trials, it is this one thing that stands clear in this Christian life that God is for most ever faithful and everlasting for all that put their faith in Him. Nothing in life can ever separate us from the deep abiding love of God and He will guide your life through prayer and believing in His Word.                                                                 It is His plan that we may prosper and live a rich life of faith through His Son, Jesus Christ who came  to redeem us through His blood by dying on the cross. This gives all that believe and want to have a relationship with Him an opportunity to come to Him and giving their life to Christ. He will help and renew you through His saving blood He shed on the cross, this is not for some but all who want a change in their life. Open the door that He may come in and give you peace, understanding, but most of all His divine an unyielding love. God has provided the Way, His name is Jesus Christ.

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