May 2, 2017
Amnesia Campaign
"Who are you in Christ? "
Mental Illness : The Hidden Man
Did you know there is a hidden man living within you.? He is full of power through the Holy Spirit. He is your true self in Christ. We are kicking off the Amnesia campaign ---------"Who are you in Christ by identifying another hidden man. The month of May is national Mental Health Month, there are millions of people globally and even here in this country
suffering from various forms of mental diseases.
Both these issues are connected biblically and spiritually it is through the Word that gives encouragement to those who haven't come to Christ and made Him there personal Savior and those whom Jesus touched and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus went among the lowly, the rejected in society, the sickly and fallen.
Man's fallen away through the first man,Adam was the evidence that God's plan to redeem man before the fall through Jesus before God created the universe from His thoughts.Hidden in this mystery is Jesus our Redeemer. The Holy Spirit teaches us who we are in Christ and guides us through the Spirit of the hidden man in Christ. 1Peter 2:2 ---as newborn babies desire earnestly the pure mental milk of the Word, that by it ye may grow up to salvation.
Luke 10:19---- Behold I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents,and scorpions, and physical and mental and ability over all the power that eternity possesses and nothing shall in anyway harm you. This is your identity in Christ, that out of your mouth shall you speak truth through the Word of the living God which has divine and living power through faith.