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The Living Billboard

     September 16, 2020

             The Living Billboard

          Scripture: Psalm 45:1 (NIV)-- My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

           One of the most engaging things about traveling is not the beautiful essence of the scenic road, the majestic sky but one would certainly say that it serves it's purpose and know matter where you go or what isolated highway you travel you can find them there nestled under a groove of trees or right out in the open near the side of the road, the power of a billboard it can change your direction or even put a smile on your face depending on what's ailing you in or out. The most interesting thing about them is that they never seem to change.

          Depending on how you recognize or identify one would say that man himself is a reflection of a billboard. He has the power to say many words and not say anything, one would even think that he has let life pass him by or withered in the heat of the day, you could probably even say you can gain knowledge and advice from one that has less to say and more to show.

          Looking at the present times we can acknowledge that there are many who have something to say as each passer by looks back at forth at each group as if two tennis players where battling for the championship, those without courage fall victim to disbelieve and struggle to even acknowledge that perhaps they are reading the wrong signs.

          What has God written within me and what can I possible have to share with others? How is my testimony engaging and building for the kingdom of God? My life is a reflection of that billboard. What positive message do I have written on my life that I should let others be encouraged and see the joy of Christ living within me. We can all learn a great deal from a billboard sign and how its connected to the kind of life we are striving to live.

           The most important and powerful billboard signs is that of the cross. Jesus Christ testimony of his life and the meaning of his coming to fulfill a promise to his Father to redeem us from sin. Know matter what road in life we are traveling on we can find Him, in good times, in storms and even in the fog, He is pointing the way to rest in Him, trust Him. He never fades away or grows tired in well doing for those whose eyes are steadily focused on Him know matter what the world is conveying God's truth is new everyday because He never changes.

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