July 21, 2020
Real Love
Scripture: Proverbs 17:17--- A Friend loves at all times
This is one of the best versions of our identity in Christ that could ever be identified with in the whole structure of the Bible. It is the heartbeat of the Christian faith and the one that each of us struggles with on a daily basis, to love ourselves but not just ourselves our brothers and sisters around the globe and across our nation and in the cities and communities where we reside.
This is the foundation of everything spoken by Jesus Christ about our fellowman in this the Gospel's ring clearly of the identity that we are to display through Him that this deep love He gave by sacrificing Himself that we may be redeemed through Him. The challenges of love come with a high price to each party willing to lay down their ego just to get a glimpse of this precious treasure, this gem, the honeycomb of the Lord's promise given in love. Christ gave that we may receive the precious gift though His sacrifice of leaving His throne and transforming into flesh to live among us and sacrificing His life in this we witness the passion of God to sacrifice His only Son that man could be redeemed of sin by the shedding of Jesus precious blood at Calvary.
We are not just to practice unity but to follow the teachings that love in its purest form shows us through biblical teaching that we may be free of shame, guilt, anger, rage and the many heights of sin that are unpleasing to God which brings strife to our fellowman, all this can be seen in the present times we are witnessing today.
How can we be sensitive to each other? Perhaps, to show compassion, generosity, sincerity, truth, patient, kind, and understanding in love, how we could gain such an asset and benefits to the Lord's abundant plan for man's life, for each man, woman and child complete the whole picture of our community.
So loving your neighbor has for each one of us a reservoir of favor and completes us spiritually.