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Mathew 4:18-20


   August 13, 2019

      The Gifted

Matthew 4:18-20

       As Jesus was walking  beside the Sea of Galilee,  he saw two brothers,  Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.  They were casting a net into the lake,  for they were fishermen 

 "Come,  follow me. " Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men. "  At once they left their nets and followed him. 

      This Scripture has a powerful message to the reader and follower of Jesus Christ if we are open to hear what the message of what God is saying to us. It is full of blessings and comfort.  First,  it reminds us that Jesus was among us that He deliver a powerful message to the children of God of hope and! gladness. 

        The message that He is calling each one of us by name to follow the plans He has created for us in a new life within Him. He came as a friend,  compassionate about who we are individually,  that we would discover the calling on our lives and our purpose. Each of us who have been created and born have a divine gift through Him who gave at the very start of creation.

    Secondly,  He wants us to trust in Him,  to be willing to listen to what He has to say to us about our own lives. How it is hard to trust when we have been badly hurt and abused by others perhaps,  family members or friends that have taken us to gtantřed, neglected us,  or betrayed us and here Jesus is asking us without question to come and follow Him, not knowing why,  how or what was going to happen to us as well as then still holds to the past. 

  Jesus has His hand out urging us to come and seek Him,  for there He has a restored life to those willing to except Him.  His promise is to give healing,  restore hope and find the lost. 

        This is a joyous message to those willing to listen and observe the calling He has on your life through your gifts and talents to help others,  encourage,  and let your testimony about what God has done in your own life shine for Christ for He lives in us.

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