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The Power Within The Name


 Nov. 1, 2016


  Like 1:68-75 (kjv) Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited  and redeemed  his people.  And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world  began; That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform  the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father  Abraham, that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness  and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, for within Him is given all the power of life and death.  His goodness is immeasurable for His Righteous flows throughout time and eternity.  He is the light of Salvation and gives comfort and mercy to those He chooses,  His Word splits the evil deeds of the wicked and sheds light on shadows of all forms of evil. .  What is His Name that has been given power over heaven and earth,  and more so,  to everything that lives and breaths? His Name is Jesus! The Son of the Most High!  He is the sacrificial lamb that laid down His life that we who believe shall show Him honor may live in His dwelling place. 

          What is this name that is above every name? For God has given Him the keys of heaven and hell, none other can demonstrate His power. For divine love flows out of His heart and compassion on the soles of His feet, for He treads lightly to those He loves and offers them gifts of bread and wine to the thirsty.  His Word brings comfort on the shadows of darkness, for His joy lifts up the sadness of the disappointed and down trodden, those that are searching  for answers. He is wisdom  that teaches  and guides us

 The Rock that sustains  us.  What shall we call Him that dwells in the Highest honor?  We shall  shout! Jesus!  Jesus! Jesus! For that is the name above all names. 

          Within the name is man's life,  His soul that hungers for His abiding peace and unquenchable joy for it is flowing like honey within the name Jesus, like the sweetness of milk and the perfume of a field of wild flowers, it's aroma is intoxicating to those that open their hearts in a love affair, as He knocks at the door of the human heart. Come! For all your cares He will take for you and within the tears of the fallen, give the cup of forgiveness with arms stretched wide.  This name that has the power to bless and bring the wicked to their knees  and cast out darkness among the unrighteousness of men. 

        He is the peacemaker,  the healer, the invisible hand that holds those crushed and lost their way.  He is the blessings of a new day and protector in the darkness of night. He holds the tears of those in distress, crushed,  about to loose faith. He is the answer  to the whole human race,  not color,  nor creed or stature for His hand molded us all. He has power through the Holy Spirit to heal the sickest  of men and even to raise those sleeping in their graves.  He is the bright and Morning Star, the seeker of the lost, looking and searching for sheep and even for one lost lamb. He is the Promise and the Proclamation of Salvation that through Him we shall live again, for He is God all by Himself,  eternal life,  for He is the Resurrection.

   Author Monica F.Hudson


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